વચનામૃત શોધ
Search Tips
Enter your search query in Gujarati, English or Transliteration format.
“Keyword search” searches any of the keywords in your query. Use meaningful keywords and try different synonyms if possible.
“Exact search” searches for the exact phrase entered and is rigorous.
Results will display the Vachanamrut titles bearing the search result ten at a time.
To get meaningful results, do not enter words like ‘તે’, ‘તો’, ‘અને’, ‘ન’, ‘છે’, ‘કે’, ‘પણ’, etc. unless you are searching an exact phrase.
To learn how to type Gujarati, visit How to Type Gujarati.
Search Options
Site’s Own Search: Use this search when you know exact words or phrases you are searching. The results only displays the Vachanamrut number and does not display any Vachanamrut text previews. Any misspelled words in your query will return zeor or fewer results than expected.
Google Search: Use this search when you need a preview of the search terms in the Vachanamrut text results. For most cases, Google search will be faster. Google may offer spelling suggestions if your query has mispelled words.