॥ શ્રી સ્વામિનારાયણો વિજયતે ॥
Spiritual Discourses
by Bhagwan Swaminarayan
Awareness of the Jiva and the Witness
Four-and-a-half hours after sunrise on Āso vadi 8, Samvat 1877 [29 October 1820], Shriji Mahārāj was sitting on the veranda outside the north-facing rooms of Vastā Khāchar’s darbār in Kāriyāni. He was dressed entirely in white clothes. At that time, an assembly of paramhansas as well as devotees from various places had gathered before Him.
Thereupon Shriji Mahārāj said, “Please ask and answer questions amongst yourselves.”
So Gopālānand Swāmi asked Bhajanānand Swāmi, “In this body, how much awareness is of the jiva, and how much awareness is of the witness?”1
Bhajanānand Swāmi attempted to answer the question but was unable to do so.
Shriji Mahārāj then replied, “The buddhi pervades this body from head to toe. As a result, it is simultaneously aware of the activities of all of the indriyas. The jiva resides within that buddhi by pervading it. So, the awareness of the buddhi is due to the awareness of the jiva. Similarly, since the witness resides within that jiva, the jiva’s awareness is due to the witness’s awareness.”
Thereafter Nityānand Swāmi asked Shriji Mahārāj, “Mahārāj, the witness does reside within the jiva. But realizing that that which is a witness must possess a form, the question is how can that which possesses a form also be pervasive?”
Hearing this, Shriji Mahārāj explained, “That which possesses a form can also be pervasive. For example, Agnidev possesses a definite form when residing in his realm, but through his powers, he is latent within wood. Similarly, God possesses a definite form in His Akshardhām, but through His antaryāmi powers, He pervades the jivas and functions as if He possesses a form. Therefore, even that antaryāmi form should be considered to possess a form.”
Vachanamrut ॥ 4 ॥ 100 ॥
This Vachanamrut took place ago.
1. Throughout this particular Vachanamrut, ‘witness’ refers to God.