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(1) Prabhāte fūlaḍiyā fūle sānje te karmāshe jī


Prabhāte fūlaḍiyā fūle, sānje te karmāshe jī;

Flowers blossom in the morning and wither at night.

 Nitya bāgmā navīn kaḷīo, khīlīne kharī jāshe jī... 1

New petals blossom daily in the garden and they will break off and fall.

E pramāṇe jagat jāy chhe, jaḷnī peṭhe vahetu jī;

In this manner, the world continues just like flowing water.

 Nānā moṭā nitya mare chhe, amar nathī koī rahetu jī... 2

The big and small die constantly. No one remains immortal.

Kumbhkaraṇ ne Rāvaṇ sarkhā, kāyā mūkī chālyā jī;

Many like Kumbhkaran and Ravan have died, casting their body.

 Kaḷīyā chhaḷīyā baḷīyā chālyā, hāth ghāsīne ṭhālā jī... 3

The deceitful, clevel, and powerful have died with empty hands.

Surāsur ne Indra Chandra, avni te paṇ jāshe jī;

Kings, Indra, Chandra, etc. will also die.

 Dānav ne mānav marvānā, kahyu chhe Nāraṇdāse jī... 4

“The demons and humans are going to die,” says Narayandas.